Spiritual Guidance for the Gnostic Minded

This site acts as a home page for my spiritual blog that references Gnostic scriptures (early pre-orthodox Christianity) as well as other esoteric teachings. I am looking to form a group of like minded individuals in the Southern Indiana area. Check out the “ABOUT” section.

Beware that no one lead you astray, saying ‘Lo here!’ or ‘Lo there!’  For the Son of Man is within you. Follow after him! Those who seek him will find him.

~The Gospel of Mary

Latest from the Blog

The Life of Mary Magdalene

Recently I acquired all three volumes of the “New Testament Apocrypha: More noncanonical Scriptures”, edited by Tony Burke. These volumes contain rarely seen apocrypha texts, some of which are making their English debut. I noticed volume 2 and 3 had some Mary Magdalene stories. With this post, I am going to talk about the story…

Mary Magdalene: Baptism of water and fire

In a post awhile back I mentioned some newly translated fragments from the oxyrhynchus dig that had been released to the public. These are fragments 5575, 5576 and 5577. 5575 is a Jesus sayings fragment that has similarities to Matthew, Luke and Thomas. 5576 is a gnostic style fragment. 5577 is a dialogue between Mary…

Culmination of Wisdom

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Past BLOG entries:

Talking baby Jesus

The past month or so I have been doing a deep dive into the Quran and really enjoy comparing the aspects of various figures in…

Jesus writes a letter to King Abgarus

One of the shortest but very interesting pieces of apocrypha is the correspondence between King Abgarus and Jesus Christ. I find it fascinating that the…

Discourse on the Arch-Angel Gabriel

In the past month I brought you Coptic tales of Michael and Raphael, now here is one on Gabriel! This particular text is LONG! This…

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Comparing translations of Thomas sayings

I mentioned in previous blog posts on how important it is to check out various translations of texts. Sometimes it is not possible but when…

Encomium on the Arch-Angel Raphael

I have another tale for you from the Coptic tradition this time of the Arch-Angel Raphael and his interaction with Saint John Chrysostom. This comes from…

Discourse on Saint Michael the Arch-Angel

With this post, I am bringing you the FULL text titled “Discourse on Saint Michael the Arch Angel”, by Timothy, Archbishop of Alexandria. This apocrypha text…

Gospel of Bartholomew (2 of 2)

This is the second post of the Gospel of Bartholomew. What is fascinating about these remaining parts of the gospel is the inclusion of the “fallen…

Gospel of Bartholomew (1 of 2)

Today I present a dialogue style gospel. This is a post resurrection text that mainly involves Jesus speaking to Bartholomew. The gospel goes through various situations including…

(Greek) Gospel of the Egyptians

In the Nag Hammadi library, there is a text identified as the “Gospel of the Egyptians”, but did you know there is another text that…

2 Clement & Gospel of Thomas 22

I love how Gospel of Thomas sayings pop up in other writings and today I am showcasing such an example. Saying 22 from Thomas shows…

The Apocalypse of Peter

The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Peter is quite the interesting text. Not to be confused with the “Coptic” Apocalypse of Peter that was found in Nag…

Greater Questions of Mary

Once again, I invoke the writings of Epiphanius (the Panarion) of the Borborites. The lost text I am writing about today is the “Greater Questions…

The Gospel of Eve

Once again I dip back into the Panarion by Epiphanius, this time referencing the lost text, “The Gospel of Eve.” This Gnostic (Borborite) text survives…

The Birth of Yaldabaoth

When I started this blog a few years ago, I had no idea how long I would keep it up. I figured I would eventually…

The Donkey deity

I am currently reading “The Apocryphal Gospels” translated by Simon Gathercole. It features numerous non-canonical texts, some gnostic, some that are not, as well as…

Gospel of the Hebrews

I want to bring attention to another unknown gospel, that being the so-called “Gospel of the Hebrews”. This gospel only survives in fragments and that…

Gospel of the Savior (2 of 2)

To continue on with the Gospel of the Savior, we start at page 108, which continues the narrative from the previous page. This page is…

Gospel of the Savior (1 of 2)

I love finding new “lost manuscripts” that don’t get the publicity they should. Some discoveries make headlines for decades and others barely a mention. This…

Picture 089

Mary Magdalene and the resurrected Christ

With this post, I wanted to compare all the instances where Mary Magdalene meets the resurrected Christ. There have been countless articles / books on…

The Flight into Egypt

Recently I read the “Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew”, which is a text that combines the “Protoevangelium of James” and “Infancy Gospel of Thomas” but bridges the…

Lefāfa Ṣedeḳ: Book of Life (3 of 3)

If you haven’t read the previous two posts regarding the Lefāfa Ṣedeḳ, check them out. Now to the final post! The fifth section starts with…

Lefāfa Ṣedeḳ: Book of Life (2 of 3)

Now we continue with the Lefāfa Ṣedeḳ! Please refer to post 1 if haven’t already. Section three starts “In the Name of the Father, and…

Lefāfa Ṣedeḳ: Book of Life (1 of 3)

This post (part 1 of 3) is about the “Lefāfa Ṣedeḳ: Book of Life”, also known as the “Bandlet of Righteousness” with the subtitle “An…

The Virgin Mary’s Vision of Hell

Here lately I have been going down the rabbit hole of Ethiopic Christianity, particularly the apocrypha texts from that tradition. It has been a fascinating…

Hymn of the Savior

The Apocryphon of John, The Secret Revelation of John, The Secret Book of John…..whatever you want to refer to it, this particular text, next to…

Christ’s descent into Hell

Holy week passed earlier this month and with this post, I wanted to reference the Saturday between crucifixion and resurrection, that being the “Harrowing of…

The Gospel of Sophia

To continue with my OpenAI experiments, this time I wanted to see how well it put together a “Gospel” and I decided to do this…

Mark, Thomas and GPT

To continue with the chat GPT experiment, I decided to cross check the Gospel of Mark with the Gospel of Thomas. Yes, I realize Mark’s…

Matthew, Luke, Thomas and ChatGPT

The buzz lately in the technology world is the artificial intelligence chat bots. I like to play around with new technologies (hence the abundance of…

Norea, wife of Noah

Norea (Noria) is a figure that pops up in various Gnostic texts. The most popular Norea text is titled “The Thought of Norea” and is…

Two more readings

I have a video clip of two more readings I would like to share. The first reading is from the Gospel of Philip and it’s…

Kollyridianism – Marian worship

Back when I did my posts regarding the “Book of Mary’s Repose”, the book that accompanied that text included a long history of the Virgin…

Know Yourselves….

It has been awhile since I made some text reading vids (per the analytics, they aren’t very popular on the site but I enjoy doing…

Gospel of Thomas 114 & Theodotus

Simon Peter said to them, “Make Mary leave us, for females don’t deserve life.” Jesus said, “Look, I will guide her to make her male,…

An Index to Barbelo

…who am I, the Thought of the Father, Protennoia, that is, Barbelo, the perfect Glory, and the immeasurable Invisible One who is hidden. I am…

An Ode to Sophia

The Acts of Thomas features the popular poem “Hymn of the Pearl”, but also features another poem that does not get enough recognition and that…

Crucifixion body swapping

Recently I finished reading “The Gospel of Barnabas” which is an Islamic leaning text about the life and ministry of Jesus. If you are not…

The Temptation of Allogenes

As I mentioned in my previous post, there is a text in the Codex Tchacos that rarely gets spoken of and that is “A Book…

First Apocalypse of James – Tchacos vs NHL

The Codex Tchacos is famous for having the “Gospel of Judas” but what many seem to forget, it actually contained four Gnostic texts! Besides Judas,…

Summer Harvest

While we have various Valentinian texts in the NHL, there are fragments that exist elsewhere, usually in the writings of the church Fathers, and are…

A mantra for Barbelo

I like to pick out phrases / paragraphs from various Gnostic texts and put them in a binder for my own personal practice. This binder…

Jesus as a Quiet Guide

Today I present artwork and a reading video of the “Jesus as a Quiet Guide” portion from the “Gospel of Truth.” This particular verse is…


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